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17th Century -Restoration Corset
The images show the process of the construction of my first corset. Black and cream striped cotton lined with grey lining on a two layer heavy calico base , boned with 7mm synthetic whalebone.

18th Century
18th century corset
This corset was made out of silver/black brocade on a double heavy calico base and is fully boned with 7mm synthetic whalebone. It has been exhibited at Morley College, London in May 2016. Click on the photos for the full size

Victorian Corset
Victorian Corset- ca.1893
This corset is inspired by an 1893 Symington model. It is made from black silk with yellow and black cotton lace and yellow flossing and embroidery. The base is a double layer of coutil, boned with spiral steel boning.
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